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FLS 2024 May Meeting + CLE
LBA Office
2607 Johnston Street
Lafayette, LA 70503
United States
Friday, May 03, 2024, 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM CST
Category: Events

Please join us for the May FLS Meeting + CLE which will be held at the LBA Office on May 3rd. The 1-hr. CLE will begin at 1:00 PM, and the FLS meeting will immediately follow.
The CLE will be presented by Claire Edwards and is a primer on legislative procedure. It will include details on the law institute and what to expect at meetings and legislative updates in family law substance and procedure from the 2024 legislative session. 

The cost to attend for FLS members is $25. The non-member attendance fee is $50. 

Please CLICK HERE to register to attend.